Happy new year of 1401 and the spring
Dean’s massage for Nowruz 1401

Happy new year of 1401 and the spring
Oh reformer of hearts and minds
Director of day and night
and transformer of conditions
Change ours to the best in accordance with your will
The word celebration is the equivalent of the word Eid in Persian languages as Jashn or Pasn. From the root Yaz which means worship, praise and adoration. The word Izad also means praised and worshiped, which is derived from the same word. The history of Nowruz is derived from our ancient legacies and traditions. Nowruz, which now has many connotation and traditions, was in fact a celebration of thanksgiving on the occasion of a victory, a social event or a heavenly miracle. People gathered in such ceremonies and worshiped God with special religious rituals. This shows that our ancestors were immensely grateful.
This ceremony has always been a protection of a gift, received from God and they perform it gratefully every year. The festival was performed with religious dances, hymns and music, and lighting masses of fire, sacrificing hundreds of cows and sheep for this thanksgiving.
Dr. Alireza Nikbakht Nasrabadi
Dean of the School of Nursing and Midwifery
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