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Degree Programs

School of Nursing and Midwifery is the oldest and biggest Nursing School in the country with diverse specialized departments. It is known as pioneer in the four pillars of nursing (education, research, management, and practice). It is also involved in the national level policy making and activities. Being involved in international activities (international students, collaboration, research projects) are also part of its policy.
  School of Nursing and Midwifery is proud of its more than seventy-year history of education and pioneering position in research. Established in 1936, this school has always been one of the reputed schools nationally and regionally. With more than 1200 undergraduate and graduate nursing and midwifery students, 59 faculty members and top alumni at all levels, the influence of this school in virtually all national and regional nursing and midwifery events is undeniable.
Nursing education program in this school was initiated as a two-year hospital-based Diploma and then a three-year Bachelor’s Degree in nursing; however, it developed steadily over years and resulted in a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs we offer today. History of this steady improvement is as follows: Bachelor of Science degree (1963), Master’s degree in nursing (1975), M.Sc. in Midwifery (1988), M.Sc. in Anesthesia (1989), Ph.D. in Nursing (1999), Joint Program of Ph.D. in Nursing with Karolinska Institute of Sweden (2004), Ph.D. in Reproductive Health (2006), Continuing Education in Nursing and Midwifery (2007), Critical Care Nursing-Adult (2008), NICU (2009), and Geriatric Nursing (2011) and Master of Science degree in Nursing Informatics (2023).We aim to discover, disseminate and apply new knowledge through undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs of excellent quality and within a vibrant and supportive learning and research environment.


TUMS School of Nursing and Midwifery accepts international students in the following programs

International Collaboration
School of Nursing and Midwifery collaborates with universities, faculties, and educational centers around the world in a commitment to support the creation of an internationally vibrant learning and research environment.

In order to develop our international partnership and projects, actively participate in international events, and enrich the learning and teaching environment, we are currently collaborating with:
• World Health Organization (WHO)
• Eastern Mediterranean Regional office (EMRO)
• Karolinska University (research and educational collaboration)
There is also a running collaborative research project among Iran, Finland, and Norway.

School’s Journals
School of Nursing and Midwifery publishes two scientific journals:1.
2. Iran Journal of Nursing (IJN), indexed by CINAHL International Site, INDEX COPERNICUS, STDB, IRANMEDEX, ISC, IMEMR, SID, and Magiran.

School’s Research Centers
School of Nursing and Midwifery has two Research centers:
• Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center
• Research Centre for Nursing Care
Contact Information
Website: http://fnm.tums.ac.ir
Tel: (98 21) 66 93 36 00
Fax: (98 21) 66 94 16 68
School of Nursing and Midwifery,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tohid Square, Nosrat Street, Tehran 14197-33171, Iran


Degrees and Programs

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